I Swear - John Michael Montgomery (with lyrics) - YouTube

I swear by John Michael Montgomery. With lyrics. I also like this song very much :) just like the first one I put on Youtube. Enjoy watching! Copyright to re...

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Lê Thị Kiều Hoanh - 17/05/2012 10:14

The words of  song is very beautiful. I can amazing happiness. I swear, I'll be there

tuyet_dang - 17/05/2012 13:16

You don't swear because you don't know beforhand how the future will be :D

How to keep his best not to promise that :D :D :D

leducloc6390 - 17/05/2012 20:30

oh, that's what an old woman think       =.="

so shock

tuyet_dang - 18/05/2012 08:32

you are the most impolite i've have seen.

leducloc6390 - 18/05/2012 22:35

young people think love is romantic and the future is wonderful, they can swear or hope everything

but old ones had so many experiences about it, so they don't want to swear, they're afraid of the disappointing future

what you said makes me think you an old woman...is that right :(

NONSTOPDREAM - 20/05/2012 22:19

good song . very good!

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