The Solar System Song

A song about the solar system for very young children. Lyrics are included below. Permission is granted to use this song for educational purposes. The sun is...

Nội dung video

The sun is the center of our Solar system,
Solar system, Solar system.
The sun is the center of our Solar system,
The Planets orbit round it.

Mercurys a planet in the Solar system,
Solar system, Solar system.
Its closest to the sun and has no air,
and orbits round the Sun.

Venus is a planet in the Solar system,
Solar system, Solar system.
Venus is hot with poison clouds,
and orbits round the Sun.

Earth is a planet in the Solar system,
Solar system, Solar system.
Earth is our home. Its a comfy planet.
and orbits round the Sun.

Mars is a planet in the Solar system,
Solar system, Solar system.
Mars is red with a big volcano,
and orbits round the sun.

Jupiters a planet the Solar system,
Solar system, Solar system.
It has a red spot and lots of moons,
and orbits round the Sun.

Saturn is a planet in the Solar system,
Solar system, Solar system.
Ice and dust form rings around it,
and orbits round the Sun.

Uranus is a planet in the Solar System,
Solar system, Solar system.
Uranus is green and tipped on its side,
and orbits round the Sun.

Neptune is a planet in the Solar system,
Solar system, Solar system.
It has the fastest winds in the Solar system,
and orbits round the Sun.

Pluto is a planet in the Solar system,
Solar system, Solar system.
Pluto is the tiniest planet of them all,
and orbits round the Sun.

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