The World Is Just Awesome - YouTube

To all fans of the whole world and all its sights and sounds, People around the world have been creating their own versions of our Boom De Ah Dah commercia...

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It never get old, huh? Nope

It kinda makes you wanna - Break into song? Yup.


I love the mountains

I love the clear blue skies

I love big bridges

I love when Great Whites fly

I love the whole world

And all its sights and sounds

Boom de-ada, Boom de-ada

Boom de-ada, Boom de-ada


I love the oceans

I love real dirty things

I love to go fast

I love Egyptian kings

I love the whole world

And all its craziness

Boom de-ada, Boom de-ada

Boom de-ada, Boom de-ada


I love tornadoes

I love arachnids

I love hot magma

I love the giant squids

I love the whole world

It's such a brilliant place

Boom de-ada, Boom de-ada

Boom de-ada, Boom de-ada


Hãy yêu thế giới của mình bạn nhé :D


Hãy yêu thế giới của mình nhé :D

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